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Health Psychologists on Mastodon!

Here, you can find a list of health psychologists from around the world on Mastodon.

Get in touch with the Health Psychology Community from around the world on Mastodon! This page lists accounts of people interested in Health Psychology, Behavior Change, Health Promotion, Public Health, Addiction, Risk Behavior, Exercise, Dietary Behavior, and lots of other Health Psychology-related topics.

It also offers an easy method to follow multiple accounts at once. Just decide if you want to follow all or only some of the accounts listed below. You are provided with a .csv-file, which you can upload in Mastodon in order to follow all accounts included. You can find a short instruction on how to do this here.

If you want to be on the list, too, you can add yourself to this Google Sheet. You can also make changes using that link. The site is periodically rerendered, at which point all accounts are downloaded and processed into the list you see below.

If you are interested in health psychology content on Mastodon, but you don’t want to be added to the list? Then you could consider following the group @healthpsychologists@a.gup.pe.
